How to market your small business.

Market your small business

Hey there, Ash here. I’ve been in the marketing world for close to 2 decades now. During that time the rise of social media happened. The decline of TV, Radio & Newspapers happened. Marketing is the core problem many businesses don’t want to address. Here’s how to market your small business, simply and quickly with…

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Why Websites Are Important for Your Brand.

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Websites Still Matter Websites are the epicenter of your brand. They are the online presence that can make a client stay or leave. Your brand’s ecosystem is directly tied to the website. Making it too complicated can dissuade clients. Too simple, and it looks like you are just getting started. The Key: Client Journey The…

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People connect with people

You’re doing it wrong, Friday thoughts I’ve been noticing a trend online recently. People are building brands in a strange way. Larger brands (corporate level) are this way because for the most part there’s too many parts that make it who it is. You don’t buy Nike shoes from John Donahoe you buy the swoosh.…

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