End of year recap

It’s been a busy year this year. From directing live action commercials to CGI Tv spots we’ve been a happy crew of creatives. HUGE shout out to my team, who are badasses and I’m humbled to work with. Can’t wait to see what 2023 holds.

Here’s some running thoughts to cap this year.

Build a solid base, from there you can achieve anything. Your brands a building that needs strong support. As you add floors, you sometimes neglect to remember the levels below. This can cause MAJOR problems down the line. Those of you who have worked with us in the past now know of Amanda, she’s our solid base of the business, she makes sure the wild creatives don’t forget what they’re working on and keeps us focused on the tasks ahead.  The project is always more complex than it appears, so have some flexibility to make things happen!

Comparison is the thief of joy. Social media has been a whirlwind over the last 5 years. With Tik Tok taking #1 spot this year, we all realized that this platform bought a breath of fresh air to a stale medium. Vulnerability and authenticity rise to the top, you don’t need to be a creative genius, just be authentic. This whole mantra is amazing, because it’ll remove those layers of “bragging” other platforms can often lean into. Want to be happier? Spend less time looking at social media for affirmation or curate a specific list of people to follow to achieve what you set out to do.

Pre-production = time saved and money saved on production side. Pre-pro is life. I swear, we spend close to 4x as much time in pre-pro, but the results are so worth it.

Ai is here to stay, and it’s beautiful. I’m going to pen my thoughts on the looming beast that is ai in the creative field. Let’s just simplify it here… It’s akin to the calculator or web search. It’s going to change lives, and we’ll look back 10 years from now and wonder how we did some things without ai.

Learn, don’t dwell on mistakes. One last word to close this off. We’re all human. Making mistakes only happens when you are stepping outside of your comfort zone, in fact most of your BEST moments are achieved from making mistakes. My biggest mistake this year was not outlining my processes clearly enough to my clients. This resulted in confusion, delays and outright frustration on all ends. Now we have specific processes, and milestones to help clients “know” where they are in the project, and we’re even working on a manual for my clients. Who knows maybe I’ll make it available for other creatives to steal 😀

In closing, I love how far we’ve all come this year, and can’t wait to see the bounds we’ll make next year.

But for now…..



Peace!  ~Ash

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